sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2013






ROMA/12 ottobre 2012

ROMA/25 settembre 1999



The numbers of the the backpack discomfort

Recent studies have reported that up to 64% of children suffer from back pain (Negrini, 1999). That number may be alarming, but it does not really matter. What matters is if your child is one of them.
Studies from John Hopkins Children Center and many other places have shown that backpacks cause back and shoulder pain and poor posture in children. Here are the numbers:
  • The average student has a visual analog pain scale level of 4.3 with some reaching an 8-9, as reported by Northeastern University in June of 2001.
  • From a survey by the American Academy of Orthopedics: 71% of doctors feel backpacks are a clinical problem, 58% see patients with pain related to backpacks, and 52% think that this is a serious problem.
  • 55% of students carry an overloaded backpack, as reported by Simmons College in February of 2001.
  • 3,300 children aged 5-14 were treated in emergency rooms in 1997 for backpack related injuries according to the Consumer Product Safety Commission.
  • An Auburn University study showed that 67% of children suffered muscle soreness, 51% back pain, 24% numbness and 15% shoulder pain.
  • 65% of adolescents’ doctor visits are due to backpack injuries as reported by National Public Radio in October of 1998.


Designers portano nuove tecnologie per la sicurezza e comfort dei ciclisti attraverso dello zaino

ZAINO E LA INNOVAZIONE - The Pangolin Backpack

Inspired by the animal known as he Pangoline, the Pangolin backpack has the design that resembles the razor sharp scales on the back part of the spiny pangolin. The backpack is made from recycled tire inner tubes from trucks and is handmade in columbia. Instead of a standard zipper enclosure, the Pangolin Backpack is designed in way that pieces retract with each other with three magnetic closures to keep the backpack closed. The backpack is extremely durable considering the tire innertube and the design gives the bag a unique and unusual look. The inner part of the bag are ample storage pouches for the user’s small items like pen.

LO ZAINO E LA FANTASCIENZA - Backpack of the Future

In the future, our electronic devices will be more than just rectangular screens in our pockets. They will be bolder and more integrated into the fabric of our lives – literally. The Androcell backpack is an electronic communication device designed with a “Cradle to Cradle” approach.
With an Androcell backpack, one can exchange, store, create, and view digital data and perform several basic tasks. A steady development of technology ensures a brief lifecycle for electronic products. This is why Androcell is a “Cradle to Cradle” design. The materials used are innovative and organic. At the end of its lifecycle, Androcell leaves behind technical nutrients and biodegradable waste. It is targeted at young adults who have a knack for gadgets and enjoy music with their travels. The design itself displays a bold personality. The “X” shaped brace derives its form from its function, however it gives the design a distinctive appearance.
The backpack features an interactive E-paper display that allows an individual look for every bag. The ribbed brace on the backpack has two major functions: first, it adds strength and durability to the bag; secondly, it emits light for safety at night (for example, when worn by a cyclist). The user can determine the light’s colour. The glowing brace and the E-paper display bring the bag to life. Self-expression is limited only by one’s imagination.
The shoulder straps also make use of the interactive E-paper display. The straps feature a touch interface linked to the items available on the screen. From here, one can browse, modify, and exchange files. One can assign hot keys, a remote, or images and videos to the display on the front of the bag-pack. One can also choose to share and transfer information by plugging a standard USB device into the clip of the waistband. The integrated speaker system allows one to enjoy music while outdoors. The shoulder strap also has a quick-share feature that allows the sharing of small amounts of data like name cards with other Androcell backpacks. When exposed to sunlight, tiny glitter-sized photovoltaic cells harness solar energy to power the device sustainably.

Read more at http://www.yankodesign.com/2011/01/14/backpack-of-the-future/#JzAFGhsqDPawFQBf.99

LO ZAINO E LA FANTASCIENZA - Futuristic Green Backpack for Students

A very innovative and high-tech one, yet is nature friendly futuristic green backpack is now being designed by Carlos Suarez. This backpack assists students in their studies whilst keeping in touch with the world. This will going to be the first Ultra Mega OC (UMPC), that will include a satellite phone, GPS, and satellite internet. The backpack has solar panels that recharge the UMPC and a tent that uses solar energy to raise its memory metal frame. A raised memory metal frame is powering a flexible LCD that is available for classroom use. The unique function of this backpack will allow student and researches alike to do camping on a remote location and still have contacts to their loved ones.

LO ZAINO E LA CHIMICA - Zaini che integrano pannelli solari

Noon Solar e la Voltaic Systems 

Avete mai pensato di produrre autonomamente l'energia che vi serve per caricare il vostro portatile o il vostro cellulare? E di farlo attraverso la vostra borsa o il vostro zainetto? Ebbene, sappiate che qualcuno ci ha già pensato: per chi vuole essere ecosostenibile e stare davvero al passo con i tempi, la Noon Solar e la Voltaic Systems propongono borse, cartelle e zaini realizzati in materiali eco-compatibili che integrano pannelli solari.

Si tratta di prodotti pensati per ragazzi ed adulti, di varie fasce di prezzo e dal design originale: più eleganti, sofisticate e trendy le borse Noon Solar, interamente in materialibiodegradabili e dipinte a mano, più sportivi, pratici e tecnologici gli zaini e le cartelle Voltaic Systems. 

Voltaic Backpack 

Questi ultimi, e in particolare il modello Voltaic Backpack possono essere acquistati direttamente sul sito del produttore ad un prezzo che si aggira intorno ai 200 Euro e, per chi abita a Milano, anche presso iStuff, il noto "rivenditore Apple non autorizzato" presente in Via Turati, 26 che lo mette a disposizione di tutti pure sul suo store online www.iship.it e nella versione Voltaic DayPack.

ZAINO E FISICA - Come distribuire il peso nello zaino

È fondamentale posizionare nell’ordine giusto i diversi oggetti all’interno dello zaino da trekking :

gli oggetti utilizzati più raramente, come le chiavi e il portafoglio, vanno collocati nella tasca interna del porta documenti posta nel cappuccio. (zona 6)
Nelle tasche laterali (zona 2) può essere sistemato tutto quello che bisogna avere sempre a portata di mano: carta igienica, vestiti extra, borraccia, snack. Nella tasca esterna del cappuccio (zona 6) è consigliabile inserire cartine geografiche e bussola.
Gli oggetti lunghi come i bastoncini da trekking vanno fissati con le apposite cinghie sul lato dello zaino, in modo che le estremità siano inserite nelle tasche laterali. Gli oggetti più ingombranti (materassino isolante, tenda) posizionati all’esterno dello zaino con le cinghie di compressione.
Utensili da cucina, viveri, vestiti e oggetti personali il più vicino possibile alla schiena, facendo attenzione a mettere in alto le cose più pesanti (zona 4). Le cose utilizzate più di rado possono essere riposte sul fondo (zona 1) insieme agli oggetti leggeri come il sacco letto o eventuale biancheria di ricambio.
Il set di pronto soccorso e gli indumenti protettivi devono essere sempre a portata di mano, nella parte alta dello zaino (zona 5).


1) AUTORE: Giacomo Leopardi
Se calpesti un aiuola
mentre torni da scuola

non disperare
può capitare

ma per cosolarti può bastare
siam tutti d'accordo a quanto pare

un nuovo zaino
in pelle di daino

2) AUTORE: sconosciuto

Lo zaino

nella mia stanza penso
quanto sia cambiato il mondo
e quanto sono cambiata io.

cerco una ragione
una ragione per crederci ancora
urlo in silenzio
che non è uno schifo come sembra.

trovo parole dentro di me
come mi fossero dette
da qualcuno che mi consola
non è tutto come sembra.

La mia vita
Non è come sembra.

Sola nella mia stanza
Sorrido al mondo
E lui sorride a me.

Ho tutto quello che serve per il mio viaggio
Il sorriso, la grinta e la speranza
La tristezza, il pessimismo, lo stress e la pesantezza
posso lasciarli a casa
nel mio zaino deve ancora rimanere dello spazio
altrimenti quando dovrò metterci
la felicità
e la pazienza
non ci staranno più.
E tu
cosa ci metti

nel tuo zaino?

fonte: http://poesiediognigenere.blogspot.it/2011/02/lo-zaino.html

3) AUTORE: Karen Tognini


volo di
fantasia sognante...

Zaino sulle spalle
strapieno di paradisiaci sogni

a Bora Bora
dove l'acqua ha il
colore del cielo
dove i profumi 
inebriano la mente...

In'amore d'estasi
mi tuffo
ubriaca di te!

fonte: http://www.poesieracconti.it/poesie/opera-59145


"The Backpack Song" (Studio Version) - Bear Attack

Backpack on my back, walking down a railroad track

Oh, I've been wanting to see you 
Eyes upon the rows of trees, an endless sea in front of me 
Oh, I've been longing to see you
You've been on my mind, talk about a lonely time
You don't know how much I need you 
Once I feel the downy snow, the only home I've ever known 
I'll hold you close when I see you
There's no way I could let you go
There's no way I could let you go
There's no way I could let you go
And it seems to me
We sing soft and low
Such a sweet hello
Backpack on my back, standing on a railroad track
It won't be long 'til I see you
Why do I always have to leave the only one I'll ever need?
Now hold me close while I breathe you
There's no way I could let you go
There's no way I could let you go
There's no way I could let you go
And it seems to me 
We sing soft and low
 Such a sweet hello
Backpack on my back, walking down a railroad track 
Oh, I've been wanting to see you
 Eyes upon the rows of trees, an endless sea in front of me
 Oh, I've been longing to see you
You've been on my mind, talk about a lonely time (There's no way I could let you go)
You don't know how much I need you (There's no way I could let you go)
Eyes upon the rows of trees, an endless sea in front of me (There's no way I could let you go)
Oh, I've been longing to see you (There's no way I could let you go)
And it seems to me (Backpack on my back, walking down a railroad track) 
We sing soft and low (Oh, I've been wanting to see you)
Such a sweet hello (Eyes upon the rows of trees, an endless sea in front of me)
(Oh, I've been longing to see you)

You've been on my mind, talk about a lonely time (There's no way I could let you go)
You don't know how much I need you