viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2013

Backpack Brands

Travelling can be a lot of fun but what can make a tiresome experience into an amazing journey is a perfect set of travelling gear. One of the most essential parts of this is a backpack, choosing the right backpack is very important whenever you plan to travel. You won’t like to get uncomfortable while carrying your luggage, a backpack is meant just for that. With the increase in demand of cool backpacks in the market, various companies have started manufacturing some really quality bags. The best backpack brands are daily coming up with new technologies and ideas to enhance your travelling experience. The competition these days have become intense to get into the list of top 10 backpack brands and that’s why lagging behind is not an option.
Backpacks can be of many kinds, from cheap backpacks to backpacks for women, the brands are giving options to every section of the society. A backpack should have many qualities in order to fulfill all the requirements of a traveler. The companies are trying to understand these needs and are manufacturing accordingly so that their name will also be mentioned when people will talk about the best backpack brands.  Here is a list of companies which are constantly challenging each other to reach the next level and in the process become a part of the top 10 backpack brands.

#10 Northface

Sneaking in at the tenth spot, Northface made the cut based on the rough and tough nature of its bags. These are designed to bear the extreme of conditions with ease. The material used in its production undergoes a long synthesis process and is therefore enriched with good resistance towards the external agents. This company generally produces backpacks for men, leaving the girls at a little disadvantage.

northface backpacks - one of top 10 backpack brands#9 Jan Sport

Jan Sport is of a more popular type in the backpacks brands list as it has so many outlets across the globe. It hasn’t gained success overnight, based on continuous hard work to deliver quality bags; this brand has managed to gather attention. Jan Sport continuously comes up with new designs and funky combinations for those who love travelling with cool backpacks. This brand has got what it takes to be in the list of top 10 backpack brands.

Jansport Backpack - one of best backpack brands#8 Gregory

Gregory has always been a very good option for people who love mountaineering and trekking. With most of the bags under its label having a capacity of around 65 liters and comfortable exteriors, it has developed a reputation of becoming the best mate of travelers in unfriendly conditions. The suspension used in these bags is awesome keeping you always at ease. With all these plus points it certainly deserves to be in the same league as are some other best backpack brands.

gregory backpacks - one of top 10 backpack brands#7 Caribee

This brand has been climbing up in the backpack brands list slowly and steadily. With huge storage area and strong framework, it can help you in carrying that one extra thing which you used to miss out because of lack of space. Managing this bag is very easy as there are various belts and straps which will help the bag in sticking to your body at all times. Caribee has thus made a distinct place for itself among the other cool backpacks.
Caribee backpacks - one of top 10 backpack brands

#6 Mountain Design

As its name indicates, designed to suit the mountains this is an awesome bag for the higher altitudes and it has a lot more to offer than that. People who have no plans of getting up so high can get a little surprised in a pleasant way by seeing its collection. The bags are durable, sophisticated and elegant allowing it to serve all purposes. Being one of the best backpack brands, it provides a zipper so that you cover up all the straps, giving a neat finish to the bag.
mountain design backpacks - among the best backpack brands

#5 BlackWolf

This entry in the list of top 10 backpack brands has a very loyal fan base. The reason behind the loyalty is that once people use this brand, they don’t want to switch to any other brand, it has that kind of an influence. This brand produces every type of bags and girls looking for backpacks for women are in for a treat.  With so many colors and designs available along with the comfort which it provides makes it a good choice for the female travelers.
black wolf backpacks - number 5 in top 10 backpack brands

#4 Arcteryx

Just missing out on a berth in the top three of best backpack brands, Arcteryx is a delightful brand. This company reads the nerves of the people very intelligently allowing them to beat the others in the competition. It provides numerous small pockets and chains which come in very handy in keeping the smaller objects. If you are looking for cheap backpacks then probably you are looking at the wrong place as getting a piece of these cool backpacks needs some bank balance.
arcteryx backpacks - among best backpack brands

#3 Deuter

Deuter is a world renowned company in the backpack brands list and only because of its consistency it has managed to build such a reputation. The backpacks produced by this company are very strong and therefore last for generations. The suspension technology used is these bags are really modern allowing them to adjust according to the persons movements. Backpacks for men are its specialty but seriously do you think the backpacks will differ much based on gender. Deuter is a very reliable type of brand, thus allowing it to get such a good rank in the top 10 backpack brands list.
deuter backpacks - number 3 in top 10 backpack brands list

#2 Osprey

Getting towards the business end of the best backpack brands, the standards are getting higher. Osprey is an example of one such above par brand. Super light in nature and very stylish in looks makes the youth love this brand. If you have to shed some additional weight of your luggage then this is the most perfect choice. With various extendable parts, you will be getting a lot of space to accommodate those little essential things. The price range of these bags varies a lot depending on the size and features it offers so if you want to get a nice backpack within a small budget, then you may find some attractive offers.

osprey backpacks - no 2 in the list of best backpack brands

#1 Macpac

Ruling the list of top 10 backpack brands is Macpac, with excellent quality and some revolutionary ideas this brand has emerged as the super power in this category. Available in all types of sizes and colors, this company has become the top choice when people look for backpacks. Features like detachable pouches and easy packing has made this brand achieve new heights. From the cool backpacks to the sophisticated and decent ones, everything is being manufactured by this brand. With the use of high grade fabric, Macpac is creating bags that are durable and last for a very long time.
macpac backpacks - among best backpack brands
Traveling around with suitcases is a thing of the past, the world has shrunk down and so have the sizes of the bags. You can choose any one of the above mentioned top 10 backpack brands as all of them have been put in the list for a reason. Based on your requirements and needs, these top brands and products will always be there to help you out. So what are you still waiting for, buy any of the cool backpacks from any of these best backpack brands and stuff in all the important things and get moving as an awesome journey awaits you.

lunes, 16 de diciembre de 2013

Mochila voadora/ Zaino Volante/ Flying Backpack

Um dos super poderes que grande parte da humanidade gostaria de ter é o de voar. No próximo ano, esta habilidade sobre-humana estará disponível em formato de uma mochila-foguete.
Produzidas pela empresa neozelandesa Martin Aircraft, os primeiros modelos da P-12 chegam ao mercado, à princípio, apenas para bombeiros e policiais.

Após esta fase inicial aberta primeiramente a profissionais do Estado, as jet-packs poderão ser adquiridas por qualquer pessoa que possua licença para pilotar pequenos aviões e que tenha, no mínimo, 200 mil dólares extra na conta bancária.

As unidades da Martin Jetpacks produzidas são protótipos que podem atingir até 74km/h. Ainda estão em fase de teste e necessitam alguns ajustes.


domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013


Il modo naturale di portare zaini per escursioni

Se avete mai portato uno zaino pesante prima di voi probabilmente notato che per aiutare a portare il peso si usa si HIPS per sollevare la parte inferiore dello zaino.

Il bacino è dove la maggior parte del carico devono essere effettuate. Infatti, l'80% del carico dovrebbe essere sui fianchi per svolgere efficacemente il carico.

Buone zaini da trekking hanno cinghie e sospensioni che aiutano deviare il peso ai fianchi e variano la distribuzione dei pesi tra i fianchi e le spalle.

Libro scelto da Camilla - Come gocce nella pioggia

La pioggia, per Massimo, ha un significato tutto particolare, personalissimo. Ad essa, infatti, ormai adulto, egli collega i ricordi di quando, bambino, nel segreto della sua cameretta ogni goccia d'acqua che scendeva dal cielo era una compagna di sogni, quegli stessi sogni improvvisamente interrotti dall'incidente che gli aveva portato via suo padre e, con lui, la sua infanzia. Quando poi, per un caso del destino, incontra Simona, qualcosa in Massimo inizia a cambiare: in lui si fa strada, lentamente, l'idea di avere ancora la possibilità di innamorarsi e di trovare anche lui una compagna di vita. E così, affidati alle pagine dei suoi quaderni, leggiamo ricordi, speranze, impressioni di un'intera, seppur giovane, esistenza. E alla fine di quelle pagine anche noi, come Massimo, e come l'Autore che lo ha creato, non potremo non riflettere su ciò che siamo e concludere che la vita va vissuta a pieno, che ne vanno assaporate gioie e dolori, facendo tesoro della saggezza di chi ci ha preceduto e dell'ingenuità di chi, invece, verrà dopo di noi.

Oggetti che compaiono: 

1) Capitolo uno: Pentole, forno, fornelli, strofinacci, sedie, chiave, regali di natale, cellulari, bicchiere.
2) Capitolo due: libri, skate-board, biglietto, tessera, borsa, agenda, quaderni, telefonino, portafoglio, biglietto da visita, casco, cassetta di vini, videocassetta.
3) Capitolo tre: Radio, televisione, pallone.
4) Capitolo quattro: tavola, porta, busta.
5) Capitolo cinque: pantaloni, maglia nera, semaforo, sirena d'emergenza, volante, cataloghi, passaporto, tutta elasticizzata, mutandine, posate, letto, frigo, valigie.
6) Capitolo sei: abiti, cancello, occhiali da sole, parabrezza, sella, catena, tavolini, coppa.
7) Capitolo sette: scala
8) Capitolo otto: pesciolino, palloncino, macchinina, sigaretta, banchi, orologi, taschino, scopa, fucile, CD, specchio, PC, giaccone di pele, camicia a quadri, jeans, stivaletti, lapide, foto, lenzuolo.
9) Capitolo nove: DVD, corda, strumento musicale, televisore, candela, comodino, bottone, colletto della camicia, pantaloni, cinta.
10) Capitolo dieci: cucchiai, bici, scarpe da jogging, paio di Ray-Ban, barchetta, cordicella, videogame, schermo, tavolini, vassoio, piatti, tovaglioli, finestrino.
11) Capitolo undici: portone, cassetta.
12) Capitolo dodici: maschera, pinne, bombole, muta, rete, pollice, gommone, bole, barella, sedia, lettino, bicchiere.
13) Capitolo tredici: rivista, mobili, catena, motore.
14) Capitolo quattordici: chitarra, camicetta, divano.
15) Capitolo quindici: bauletto, asciugamano, armadio, candele, tappeto, maglione, scarpe, anello d'argento, biancheria, indumenti, scatola, bottiglia, calici.
16) Capitolo sedici: bollitore, portafotografie, costume da bagno, cintura, motori, foto.
17) Capitolo diciassette: trenini, cancello, scatola rotolata, profumi, cesta.
18) Capitolo diciotto: tazza, medaglia.   


Agenda, abiti, asciugamano, armadio, anello. 

Bicchiere, biglietto, borsa, busta, banchi, bottone, bici, barchetta, bombole, bole, barella, bauletto, biancheria, bottiglia, bollitore, cesta.

Chiave, celullare, casco, cassetta di vini, cataloghi, cancello, catena, coppa, CD, camicia, corda, candela, comodino, colletto, cinta, cucchiai, cordicella, chitarra, camicetta, calici, costume da bagno, cintura.

DVD, divano.

Forno, fornelli, frigo, fucile, foto, finestrino.

Giaccone di pele, gommone.



Libri, letto, lapide, lenzuolo.

Maglia, mutandine, macchinina, maschera, muta, mobili, motore, maglione, motori, medaglia.

Occhiali di sole, orologi.

Pentole, pesciolino, portafoglio, pallone, porta, pantaloni, passaporto, posate, parabrezza, palloncino, PC, pantaloni, paio di Ray-Ban, piatti, portone, pinne, pollice, portafotografie, profumi.


Regali di natale, radio, rete, rivista.

Strofinacci, sedie, skate-board, semaforo, sirena d'emergenza, sella, scala, sigaretta, scopa, specchio, stivaletti, strumento musicale, scarpe da jogging, schermo, scarpe, scatola.

Tessera, telefonino, televisione, tavola, tuta, taschino, televisore, tavolini, tovaglioli, tappeto, trenini, tazza.

Videocassetta, volante, valigie, tavolini, videogame.


Borsa, bottonebiancheria, abiti, armadio, anello, CD, camicia, comodino, colletto, chitarra, camicetta, cintura, giaccone di pele, indumenti, jeans, letto, lenzuolo, maglia, mutandine, maglione, orologi, pantaloni, valigie, scarpe, scatola.

Bicchiere, bottiglia, bollitore, cesta, cassetta di vini, candela, cucchiai, calici, forno, fornelli, pentole, posate, piatti, tavola, tazza, strofinacci, scopa.

Asciugamano, profumi, specchio, radio.

Bauletto, DVD, divano, chiave, cataloghi, foto, libri, porta, videocassetta, videogame, televisione, tappeto, trenini, stivaletti, schermo, regali di natale.

Barella, rivista.

Banchi, bici, barchetta, coppa, macchinina, tuta, occhiali di sole, pesciolino, pallone, palloncino, skate-board, scarpe da jogging.

Busta, sigaretta.

Agenda, passaporto, PC, quaderni.

Bombole, corda, costume da bagno, gommone, maschera, paio di Ray-Ban, pinne, rete.

Strade della città
Celullare, casco, catena, cordicella, fucile, motore, medaglia, portafoglio, parabrezza, portone, portafotografie, volante, tessera, semaforo, sirena d'emergenza.

Tavolini, tovaglioli, sedie.

Lapide, strumento musicale.
